A thunderstorm is coming
Take warning gets shout out
A thunderstorm is coming
Get undercover, nothing out
A thunderstorm is approaching
The branches bend in the breeze
A thunderstorm is approaching
The trees lose their leaves
A thunderstorm is looming
The wait is getting tense
A thunderstorm is looming
Youth's fearful comments make no sense
A thunderstorm is almost upon us
The children are taking fright
A thunderstorm is coming here
Though will is hit us tonight?
Note about the piece: I wrote this whilst in southern France recently, where they have some amazing thunderstorms, though in particular the way my daughters were getting anxious about its arrival. So in tradition, my first entry is dedicated to H & A who provide me with a different lens through which to view our world.
A vivid description, greyness and a sense of fear in the air